Hutton Pharmacy provides free vitamins to Blackwell youth

by Charles Gerian

Hutton Pharmacy is offering a free program for all Blackwell children ages 4-18 called their “Healthy Kids Free Vitamin Program” where every month a child will receive a 30-day supply of Children's Chewable Multi-Vitamins, and all parents have to do is fill out an information enrollment sheet.

Justin Kukuk, Pharmacist for Hutton Pharmacy, said the program has been very successful so far.

“We started the program about six months ago,” Kukuk said, “but we only started advertising for it at the end of February, which a lot of people responded to on Facebook.”

The public definitely responded. The post advertising the free program was made on February 21 and has since received 84 reactions, 22 comments, and 115 shares on the social networking site.

“At Hutton, our goal is to embody a culture of well-being, and that starts with kids especially when they're young. We thought it would be a good idea to cultivate that, and doing it in such a way that anyone can get behind and afford. So a parent or guardian comes in and we fill out a 30-day prescription for the kids to be refilled on a monthly basis,” said Justin.

“It not only teaches well being and keeping children healthy but it also promotes responsibility with medication, which is something we felt was really necessary in today's culture.”

The enrollment forms for the free program can be picked up at Hutton Pharmacy located at 119 N. Main or the Kay County Health Department at 1706 S. Main. Forms can also be printed online from the Hutton Facebook page and, soon, their website.

Kukuk said that so far just under 100 kids are enrolled in the program.

Hutton Pharmacy even provided a fact sheet, breaking down the essential vitamins in the program:

“Vitamin A helps normal growth and development, tissue and bone repair, healthy skin and eyes;

B aids metabolism, energy production, and healthy circulatory and nervous systems; C promotes healthy muscles, skin, connective tissue, boost immune responses; D promotes bone and tooth formation and helps the body absorb calcium; E promotes good vision, health of your blood, brain, nerves, skin, and is an antioxidant.”

For any questions, the pharmacy can be reached at 363-2137.