'Unity' is part of 'Community' during COVID-19

by Dayle McGaha

Looking Back – Thinking Forward

TESTING THE AMERICAN SPIRIT LIKE NEVER BEFORE! (I.E.Making sure our attitudes about the on-going situation are in the right place.)
I’ve heard many stories from our friends how this COVID-19 plague has affected their lives. Read on:

Some of our dearest and most loyal friends have said various things that bother them. That’s ok! That is normal, but what is NOT normal is saying their opinion is the only right one! Sometimes, situations are much different from what your or our ideas might actually be. Still, reason pleases.

Our civic and cultural values have been seriously challenged, sometimes for just political reasons. We have (on TV) witnessed many acts of violence that is an insult to our American way and for sure a Godly way!

An old cliché says, “That what goes around comes around!” We will see the outcome of many riotous acts against all reason of decency. (We don’t know the half of it folks!)
There is nothing in the U.S. constitution that allows those doing anarchic acts of violence. Maybe one of my “Dale-Verbs” would be appropriate here:

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, especially when 1t changes the heart, hoping to be better Americans!” I wonder if more good people spoke up against the bad actions, we might see some improvements. Why does it seem like a “dead end” issue? Some writer once said, “Bad things happen when good people do nothing!” With that in mind, let’s vow to do more to support our local, state and national leaders when they are striving to help us live better lives. I believe this also includes supporting our churches, schools and local businesses.

Blackwell is a good town. Let’s work hard to make it better! Remember that “UNITY” is a major part of “COMMUNITY”. Let’s all do our part to help control the spread of COVID-19! And by all means, continue to pray for our county!