Blackwell takes big steps forward on waterlines; 13th Street

by Charles Gerian

The Blackwell City Council met Thursday night to discuss and take action on a wide range of items, including the rezoning of a residential property and long-awaited work on 13th Street. After hearing 15 minutes of public comments, the Council moved onto business.

The first item was the rezoning of a lot at the intersection of 1st Street and College Avenue for a repossessed car lot.

The Blackwell Planning Commission recommended against rezoning prior to the Council meeting. After much deliberation, the rezoning request was approved. The property owners will now have to go through a lengthy review process before construction work on the property can begin, with every detail being presented to the Council.

Following that, the Council granted 30 days to Clarity Telecom, LLC, and Get Real Cable, LLC, to discuss Clarity’s impending move to Blackwell as well as the ramifications of having another internet provider in town. The item has been the subject of several intense exchanges at Council meetings over the last month. No official action has been taken on Clarity Telecom’s permitting agreement with the City of Blackwell.

Next, Mareta Woodard of the Parkhill company congratulated the City of Blackwell on receiving $450,000 from the Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce’s Community Development Block Grant program, which will cover half the cost of a waterline replacement project from Santa Fe Avenue to Blackwell Avenue and west of 4th Street to 13th Street.

Next, the Council accepted the Guernsey engineering firm’s proposal for a 13th Street repaving project, which will be spearheaded by Public Works Director Jerry Eubanks